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This is what I talk about

For a decade, I travelled, lived and worked all around the globe. That was amazing. Then I became what people call an entrepreneur. The success and the money I made with my own company did not make me a happier person, not at all to be honest, and I worked out a way to combine the adventure and unpredictability of my travels with my business by turning helpando.it into a nomadic company. Together with my two coworkers, I decided to run the company from a Land Rover Defender while crossing the South American continent. Data migrations in the desert for Intel. Developing apps for Virgin Atlantic in the Peruvian jungle. Doing a call with Goldman Sachs from the middle of Lake Titicaca. No kidding. On top of it all, we filmed the whole thing for a web documentary about people who redefine work.
Nowadays, I enjoy sharing what I learned on stage as a speaker - both from my adventures around the world and as the CEO of a nomadic company that works with Fortune 500 clients. I talk about things like “The Future of Work and Organizations”, “Why Work is not a Place Anymore”, “How to Run a Company from a Land Rover Defender” and “The Intuitive Flow of Life”.

Success Stories

I spoke at events and conferences all over the world. My topics range from Digitalization and Future of Work to how to build and run a company from the road.

“Fabian is a unique and exceptional human being, who has a special way of getting through to the audience. His stories are powerful and moving and bear witness to the fact that anything is possible if you let yourself in on the flow.”

Marcus Meurer

Founder DNX DNX – Digital Nomad Conference DNX CAMP – Coliving & Coworking for Digital Nomads DNX PODCAST – LIFE HACKZ

“Fabian has visited us for a trivago Academy session in February 2017. With his captivating and inspirational nomad entrepreneurial talk on “How to Run a Company from a Land Rover” he shared his secrets of productivity, great adventures, and work stories, innovative solutions for working in various conditions, and tools to always stay productive!"

Vladislav Indikov

Trivago Academy

“ Fabian Dittrich delighted our audience in Barcelona with his highly entertaining and informative presentation. He inspired many people in the audience to open their eyes to how you can travel the world in a Land Rover, living the adventure, while at the same time building and growing a profitable company. "

Theodor Berghausen

Founder Codino, The Community of Digital Nomads in Barcelona

"We had the honor to have Fabian as a speaker at one of GLOBALS largest event on the Future of Work in June 2017. He is a forward thinker on what relates to mobile workers and how to do work love integration. Get ready to say WOW... Really?? And learn a lot of from his adventures stories and productivity hacks!”

Mario Paladini,

Founder and CEO of CLUB GLOBALS

"Ihr Vortrag „Think different, live different, work different“ hat uns alle begeistert und kann im Nachgang der Veranstaltung mit Gewissheit als Höhepunkt der Konferenz bezeichnet werden. Sie haben es wie kein Zweiter verstanden das Plenum mit auf eine Reise in ferne Kontinente zu nehmen, die nicht nur beeindruckt, sondern vor allem auch inspiriert. Kann Arbeiten im digitalen Zeitalter anders definiert werden, als ein handelsüblicher „9-to-5 Job“? Unbedingt! Das haben Sie eindrucksvoll bewiesen und uns zudem ermutigt, Arbeit neu zu denken. Ihr Vortrag hat alles, was ein guter Vortrag haben sollte: Er ist kreativ, mutig, spannend und unterhaltsam. Und Sie als Protagonist, als Geschichtenerzähler stehen dem in nichts nach: Sie sind auf der Bühne erfrischend, sympathisch und mitreißend. Wir können letztendlich nur „Danke“ sagen”

Peter Bauske

RZVFORUM Management

I am writing my first book. If you'd like to be notified once it can be ordered, feel free to subscribe by clicking on 'Book' in the menu on the top of the page.

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@ TheGoBetween

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