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Explore creativity in your workplace

Besides my love for exploring and adventure, I have been sitting in front of a computer screen since the age of 11. Instantly hooked after being allowed to use my brother’s C64, I went on to study computer science. But at university, while in my early twenties, I felt like nothing I was learning was actually useful to solve problems. It was too much theory with no real world applications. Fortunately, I went to Chile for a year to do an internship as a developer in an innovative startup. Not only did I gain invaluable hands-on experience, but I also got a taste of how far you can get and how you can inspire others if you start calling the shots yourself. About 10 startups and a decade later I landed a job at Zendesk in San Francisco and London. Working between 80 and 100 hours a week, now in a technical sales position, I broadened my horizon of the internet business beyond being only a developer. In 2015 I founded my own startup helpando.it and am fortunate to count Goldman Sachs, Intel and Microsoft and other Fortune 500 companies among my clients. But financial and professional success were never end goals to me, and so to make things interesting, I converted helpando.it into the world’s first nomad company, running it from my Land Rover while travelling the world.

Taking my company on the road

In 2015 I had it all: Employees, money, success. Did that make me any happier? No. What was missing was the freedom and adventure I was used to from my travels, and so my coworkers and I made a crazy decision: Taking the company on the road, literally!

We bought a vintage Land Rover in Buenos Aires and set out on our mission: To run the company from our new mobile office and to meet people who redefine work.


Startup Diaries

We filmed a web documentary about our journey and experiences as a nomadic company and named the project startupdiaries.org.
Suddenly, on top of our normal workload, we had to drive through a continent, set up meetings and interviews and film and edit videos. But, as they say, necessity is the mother of invention. Due to the immense time pressure and the constraints of our environment, we learned to work super efficiently, using tools and shortcuts to the max. Nowadays, I do personalized trainings, keynotes and consulting on the topic of efficiency and how work is not a place anymore.

“Being a CEO and entrepreneur who deals with fortune 500 customers, but at the same time living in a Land Rover taught me how to work in the most efficient way. With what I learned I can help anyone who uses a computer for his job save one hour or more per day”

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@ TheGoBetween

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