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15 years of travelling and living adventures.

My friends say I’m not afraid of anything. I like to think of myself as a free spirit and try not to be influenced by anything or anyone dogmatic. Especially, I am very curious and feel a deep hunger for discovering the world around me. My curiosity together with a passion to explore the unknown has led me to some amazing places and experiences. Everything I am or have or know, I owe to traveling and to the incredible people from all walks of life who I have had the joy and privilege to meet and spend time with. I did not participate much in the conventional routines of society and that sometimes has its downsides.
On the other hand though, I feel like I am moving on different paths from most people, and that gives me a unique perspective on life and on the world.

Fab’s journey

“I like to discover, to explore the world around me. I am driven by novelty and diversity and by experiencing the world from all
perspectives and through the eyes and stories of people from all layers of society.” Retrace my footsteps b y clicking on the dots.


“Most of what I am or have nowadays, my company, my career, the fact that people hire me to speak at their events, I owe it all to traveling. Travel in a vagabondish kind of way. No plans, no itineraries not knowing what’s next and being completely open for serendipity.”

The world is not dangerous

I drove an old Mercedes from Germany to South Africa, slept next to the car, went to places where I was the only white guy around. I drove my Land Rover from Argentina to Colombia, slept in the car parked in the streets of Bogota, Lima and Quito. All in all, I travelled through 60+ countries, and nothing ever happened to me, aside from minor robberies, the odd bribe or car breakdowns. Instead, I was greeted with amazing hospitality, with curiosity and respect. Contrary to the picture often painted in the media, the world is actually a pretty friendly, hospitable and safe place. I am currently working on a book. To receive an update on how it’s coming along and where you can get it once it’s done, just sign up for my newsletter.