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Upcoming gigs

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04.Oct.2018 Dublin, Ireland

Think different, live different, work different

Forward-thinking conference on software quality and testing

22.Sep.2018 Lissabon, Portugal

How to Run a Company from a Land Rover Defender

El #1 evento de networking para emprendedores digitales de…

Past events

25.Jun.2018 Hamburg, Deutschland

Think different, live different, work different

Das klassische Angestelltenverhältnis, wie wir es zum Beispiel…

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2.Jun.2018 Barcelona, Spain

How to Run a Company from a Land Rover Defender

El #1 evento de networking para emprendedores digitales de…

9.Jan.2018 Kingston, Jamaica

How to Run a Company from a Land Rover Defender

What you can learn about efficiency from the CEO of a nomad company

9.Mar.2018 Berlin, Germany

How to Run a Company from a Land Rover Defender

Was wir vom CEO einer nomadischen Firma lernen können

27.Apr.2017 Frankfurt, Germany

Think different, live different, work different

What we can learn from the CEO of a nomadic company

25.Apr.2017 Hamburg, Germany

Work is not a place anymore

What we can learn from the CEO of a nomadic company

22.Feb.2017 Düsseldorf, Germany

How To Run A Company From A Land Rover Defender

What we can learn from the CEO of a nomadic company

In the Media