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Kotor Bay Villa – Luštica Guide

Welcome to the KotorBayVilla!

We’re thrilled to have you as our guest and hope you enjoy your stay. We’ve put together this guide to help you navigate your way around the area. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us directly via whatsapp here in case you can’t find what you are looking for. We’re here to make sure you have a wonderful time!


We would like to make you aware that the water supply for showers, sinks, and toilets in our accommodation comes from a tank, which is the case for all houses on the Luštica Peninsula. We kindly request your cooperation in conserving water during your stay. Please avoid taking long showers and be mindful of your water usage in general. By doing so, you will not only help us to maintain the water supply but also contribute to the conservation of the environment.
Although we try to fill the tank before your arrival, it may run out during your stay. In such an event, please inform us immediately, and we will promptly call a water truck to refill the tank.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

The Luštica Peninsula

The Kotor Bay Villa is located on the Luštica Peninsula a small village called Zabrđe.
Most people, even locals, when hearing “Luštica” think of “Luštica Bay“, which is a small artificial village on the southern side of Luštica. Luštica Bay is worth a visit in case you are looking for a more upscale experience (bars, restaurants, etc.), the real beauty of the Luštica Peninsula is to be found elsewhere – on pretty beaches, peaceful countryside covered in thick olive and pine woods and the deep blue waters of the Adriatic, and famous Boka Kotorska fjord.

In case you want to visit towns, we recommend strolling around Porto Montenegro in Tivat and the old town of Kotor, both is less than 60 minutes away.

We have created a custom google map with recommendations for you, you can find it here.


Here goes a list of restaurants in the area. For style/prices/ratings please refer to the google reviews.

Rose Restaurants (this lovely small village has a couple of restaurants open from April to December)

Mirista Restaurant

Ribarsko Sello (open all year, upscale)

Fortica (open all year)

Anderba (2.5km from Kotor Bay Villa, Might be closed from November – April)

Konoba Woli (next to Anderba, always open)


Luštica Bay has plenty of restaurant options

Swimming spots / Beaches

Important: Wherever you go walking into the wate, be aware of Sea Urchins, they might be on the sea ground or stick to the walls.


Location here.
In the small village of Rose you can sit in a restaurant and jump right into the water.
Since 2022 there is also a beach in Rose which might or not might have sand, beach location here.

Žanjic beach

Location here.
Next to Mirista. Less crowded,  plenty of restaurants.

Mirista beach

Next to Zanjic, also has a restaurant. Next to Rose, this is our favorite on the Lustica Peninsula. Check google maps for opening times.

Plavi Horizonti

Location here
Biggest and most known beach on Luštica and the only one with Sand. Might get crowded in July/August.
Can be a bit mainstream and loud.




There is infinite number of hikes on the peninsula.

20 min hike down to the Sea – starting right at Kotor Bay Villa

You can actually reach the sea on foot, going down a lovely steep hiking path for about 20 minutes. It might take 25-30 minutes on the way back up. Once you arrive you might think you are walking through private property – you aren’t, just walk on until you reach the dock with the small light house. You can jump in the sea from there or walk in from next to the dock. Watch out for sea urchins!
You need a moderate general fitness.

This is a link to the path, it starts right across the villa and is not always easy to spot.

Rural Luštica Hike

Two hour circular hike  (click here for route)

Highest point of Luštica

Hike to a plateau below the antenna station on the highest point of Luštica. Route here.


Off the beaten path

In our opinion the Luštica peninsula real gems are locations that are usually not mentioned in any guide books.
There’s plenty of remains of the Austrian-Hungarian empire, ranging from bunkers, to tunnels to abandoned overgrown fortifications (reach out on whatsapp for more of those)
There are many small bays you can only reach my walking too.

Submarine Tunnel (watch your steps!) (park further up the road and walk down)

Fort Kabala (watch your steps!)

Abandoned Fort Luštica (watch your steps!)


Very recommended, a small lovely village with a couple of restaurants operating in the warm months.
Location here.