Hi there! I’m Fabian, a lifeaholic chasing waterfalls around the world…
...Why would I stick to the rivers and the lakes that I'm used to? ♪♫♬ I love to take a walk on the wild side of life, experiencing the world and delving into the human experience in all its facets. I love to discover places where few dare to go, bringing back stories from far away. Why? To show that we are all not that different. That the world is not a dangerous place and that most people are quite friendly. I try to not be too influenced by dogma and other constraining bullshit, and I prefer living the questions rather than going for the ready-made answers.
On the whole, I like to experiment. With work, with travel and with what it means to be human. If you'd like some less metaphysical bla-bla than this, just click around this page and learn more about how I make a living as an entrepreneur and founder of the world’s first nomadic startup, the trips I undertake as an adventurer and what I brag about when I am onstage as a speaker.
I lived in the streets while studying computer science, drove an old Mercedes from Berlin to South Africa, and managed my company from a Land Rover while crossing South America, from Argentina to Colombia. I did a bunch of other things too, but I’m not sure if I should mention them here! I am a professional freediving athlete and teach free diving in Montenegro in my own retreat center SeaSpace.me. In November 2024 I became the deepest German Freediver, breaking the record of 100 meters on a single breath with Bi-Fins.